Thursday, September 28, 2006

USA Trip Nailed.. A Quality Time Was Had By All.

The active brits possie is back after a freakin awesome 3 week US roadtrip.. We are all still slighty suffering after a final bash in good old Las Vegas but we expect to hit the North Wales hills at some point at the weekend. Its amazing just how much ya miss the bikes, even after only a few weeks..

The south west USA is awesome and if you are well into your outdoor scene then i'd recommend you plan a visit. We managed to cram so much in in such a short time, highlights including:- hiking up and down the Grand Canyon, climbing to the summit of Wheeler Peak in Great Basin National Park (13000ft+), hiking to the top of Half Dome, North Dome and Clouds Rest in Yosemite, nailing a full on wilderness trek in Kings Canyon, visiting the giant Seqouias and Redwoods and sleeping under the stars in 100degreeF temps in Death Valley. We had planned to do some biking in the vicinity of Las Vegas but after weeks of trekking in the wilderness we decided to give the idea up as a bad job in favour several bottles of Coors and Corona and a few nights of hard partying. No regrets though, it was a proper full on manic time (although it was a bit of a waste of dosh paying for 3 nights in the Luxor Pyramid really). If anyone plans on heading over make sure you check out the Irish Bar called the 'Nine Fine Irishmen' in the 'New York New York' Casino which thanks to an excellent Irish Band 'Ri-Ra', fired out some quality carefree drinkfest tunage including the excellent '7 Drunken Nights' :o) Here are a just a few pics, will put more up when the Blogger image upload page works for more than 5 minutes...

Pic 1 - Grand Canyon

Pic 2 - Zion National Park

Pic 3 - Active Brits possie en-route to the summit of Wheeler Peak (13069ft - back of picture) in the outstanding Great Basin National Park

Pic 4 - Balancing on the edge of North Dome, Yosemite National Park

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